B. Meiosis fails to proceed to completion. In human females, when is meiosis II completed? e A and B only, The function of mitosis is All of the following events occur during normal meiosis except _____. C. ocyte. What change(s) from regular meiosis (in preparation for fertilization) would be required to produce this system? Mitosis uses a diploid (2n) parent cell to form daughter cells containing a haploid number(n) of chromosomes. It is known that both ExE_{x}Ex and V are zero at the origin. e. none of the choices are sources of genetic variation, d. all of the choices are sources of genetic variation. Which of the following statements correctly compares the events of meiosis and mitosis? Aneuploidy is a change in the number of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis. C) spermatogenesis. A. . Crossing over occurs more often in the formation of sperm than in eggs. A. gametogenesis. For this reason, meiosis I is referred to as a reduction division. A. B) in 23% of cases, the sperm contributes . Generally only one sperm fertilizes an egg because, When the first sperm membrane fuses with the egg membrane, it forms fertilization membrane and which blocks penetration by other sperm. a. C) pangenesis. Which stage would show the development of the ectoderm and endoderm germ layers? D) formation of bivalents. All of the following statements about mitosis and meiosis are true, except which? Figure 1. D) Chromatin will condense into chromosomes. Normal female 2n offspring result without fertilization. b. All of the following are true about the chromosomes of a multicellular organism EXCEPT: There is a species of desert lizard that is entirely female. two daughter cells at completion. C. Crossovers between non-sister chromosomal haploids of homologous chromosomes occur during the . Errors in Meiosis. Which of the following is/are true about sexual reproduction? (a) Denial. Suppose that k1=6,k2=4,b1=2k_1=6, k_2=4, b_1=2k1=6,k2=4,b1=2, and b2=1b_2=1b2=1. D) During anaphase I of meiosis, the homologues pairs separate; during anaphase of mitosis, the homologous pairs stay together. Which statement does not accurately describe what occurs during the process of meiosis? &\frac{d x_1}{d t}=r_1 x_1\left(1-\frac{x_1}{k_1}-b_1 \frac{x_2}{k_1}\right) \\ B) anaphase I Which statement is NOT true about mitosis? C. Interphase involves DNA replication and interkinesis does not. What is the importance of crossing-over? C. They orient the sperm toward the egg. E) None of the choices are sources of genetic variation. cells becoming specialized in structure and function, the neural tube of vertebrates develops during morphogensis of the nervous system by the. In telophase I of meiosis, the following events occur: The spindle fibers continue to move the homologous chromosomes to the poles. C) They carry genes for the same traits. b. the cell may need to enter the G0 stage. Which of these descriptions is associated with the luteal pahse of the uterine cycle? Which of the following statements about nondisjunction is FALSE? A change in the chromosome number resulting from nondisjunction is called euploidy. During metaphase of mitosis the duplicated chromosomes are at the metaphase plate while during metaphase I of meiosis the bivalents are present at the metaphase plate B. Which of the following is a true statement concerning meiosis in males and females? They are caused by nondisjunction, which occurs when pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis. Down syndrome, Which of the following conditions results from a Robertsonian translocation? What distinguishes paracentric inversions from pericentric inversions? HD, Pair the disease with its chromosomal abnormality Animal cells from a cell plate during cytokinesis while plant cells from a cleavage furrow and then pinch into two daughter cells, The region that contains the genetic information in a bacterial cell is called the, virtually all of the specialized cells of multicellular organisms. Before the time of Gregor Mendel and genetics, sexual reproduction was thought to produce a blending or equal mixing of the parents' traits. D) the cell produced when fertilization occurs. The risk of nondisjunction increases with the age of . A) gametogenesis. a nonfunctional cell rudiment formed at the same time as an egg cell. Identify which event will occur during Prophase I of meiosis but does not occur during prophase of mitosis. d.) chromosomes replicate. One chromosome of the pair came from mom, the other from dad. B. D) growth and repair. Which of the following would NOT contribute to genetic variation? It occurs only in cells in the reproductive structures of organisms. A. independent assortment B. metaphase C. anaphase II D. mitosis, If the diploid number of chromosomes for an organism is 52, what will the haploid number of chromosomes be? A. prophase I of meiosis I B. anaphase I of meiosis II C. telophase I of meiosis I D. prophase II of meiosis II E. anaphase II of meiosis I. Homologous chromosomes are similar in all of these characteristics EXCEPT: A. similar in size. Consider that all other relevant characteristics are similar between these species. B. offspring can vary from receiving over 99% of one parent's genes to receiving over 99% of the other parent's genes. Normal, because they have a normal amount of genetic material, Pair the disease with its chromosomal abnormality Jacobs Syndrome, XYY, results from nondisjunction during spermatogenesis. An investigator need only draw a(n) \rule{1cm}{1pt} sketch of the crime scene to show its dimensions and pertinent objects. To what does the term chiasma refer? The S phase is the second phase of interphase, during which the DNA of . While meiosis certainly evolved from mitosis itself, the former had acquired few novel steps that are distinct from the latter: pairing of the homologous chromosomes, recombination between non-sister . During which phase of mitosis and meiosis will the state of the chromosome be the same? Which of the following events does not occur during telophase. A. Cytokinesis Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily because of their -. Sex chromosome aneuploids are better tolerated and have a better chance of producing survivors. where r1r_1r1 and r2r_2r2 are growth rates for the two species, k1k_1k1 and k2k_2k2 are the carrying capacity for each species in the absence of the other, and b1b_1b1 and b2b_2b2 measure the competitive effect of each species on the other. Oogenesis does not involve an equal division of cell contents. Aneuploidy is a change in the number of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis. growth of the overall individual. Where in the human male does spermatogenesis occur? A. crossing over B. nuclear envelope dissolves C. chromatin condenses into chromosomes D. centrioles appear in animal cells, During _______________ the homologous chromosome pairs separate in a random fashion leading to genetic diversity among the offspring. Which statement is NOT true about homologues in meiosis I? At the end of anaphase 1, each chromosomeis composed of to chromatids and at the end of anaphase 11, sister chromatids have separated. Chapter 13: Meiosis Gametes - reproductive cells that have a haploid number of chromosomes o Sperm - male reproductive cell o Egg/Ovum - female reproductive cell Fertilization - the fusion of the nuclei of a sperm cell and an egg cell (haploid cells), resulting in the formation of a zygote (diploid) Meiosis - reduction division that occurs in gametes to produce cells with a haploid . Describe the main differences between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I in meiosis. Monosomy occurs when an individual has only one of a particular type of chromosome. During meiosis, cells undergo two rounds of nuclear and cell division, but only one round of DNA synthesis. Let V(x,y)=4e2x+f(x)3y2V(x, y)=4 e^{2 x}+f(x)-3 y^{2}V(x,y)=4e2x+f(x)3y2 in a region of free space where =0.\rho_{\nu}=0.=0. bivalents will form. Where in the human male does spermatogenesis occur? Meiosis involves two rounds of cell division and produces four non-identical . It is nevertheless necessary for two females to court and for one to assume the posture of a male to stimulate the female to produce eggs. B) four daughter cells at completion C. zygote. D) Interkinesis can be variable in length. B) reduction of chromosome number (from 2n to n). D) 24. C. offspring inherit essentially 50% of their genes from each parent, but two sibling offspring may share with each other from zero to 23 chromosomes in common from each parent, and further variation may occur due to crossing-over. D. egg cell. B. sperm cell. E. In meiosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical. False A change in the chromosome number resulting from nondisjunction is called aneuploidy. True or False, binary fission in bacteria differs from mitosis because A lattice holds the members of a bivalent together in such a way that the RNA of the nonsister chromatids is aligned. D) They will have a haploid and diploid phase of the life cycle. Spermatogenesis is the process of generation of male reproductive cells from spermatogonial stem cells in the seminiferous epithelium of the testis. Which of the following is not a characteristic of homologous chromosome? A. a. crossing over in prophase 1 of meiosis B. oogenesis. Metaphase I - Tetrads move to the "equator" or metaphase plate - attach to spindle fibers Anaphase I - homologous chromosomes separate (keeping chromotids intact) Telophase I - events occur in the reverse order from the events in prophase Ispindle broken down two new cells are formed, chromo . A. Homologous chromosomes pair to form a tetrad. Sister chromatids line up and separate into individual chromosomes. a. the cell cycle halts The genus Lacerta is composed of a species of lizards that are female and do not mate. The correct option is D All of the above In sexually reproducing organisms, the new organism is formed by the union of cells from the mother and the father. C) It produces the proteins that are associated with DNA in chromosomes. Sex chromosome aneuploids are better tolerated and have a better chance of producing survivors. E) Neither A, B, or C. All of the above involve mitosis. b. oogenesis The Bar mutation in Drosophila Meiosis I. Meiosis is preceded by an interphase consisting of the G 1, S, and G 2 phases, which are nearly identical to the phases preceding mitosis. Just like in mitosis, during prophase, DNA condensation occurs, the nuclear envelope and nucleoli disappear, and the spindle starts to form. D. Homologues exchange genetic material between non-sister chromatids. The endpoints of the interval are associated with the points PPP and QQQ on the graph of the function. Primary nondisjunction occurs during meiosis II when the sister chromatids fail to separate and both daughter chromosomes go in the same gamete. (b). It begins around the second week of embryonic development and involves the formation of the three germ layers - the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm - which give rise to all of the body's organs and tissues. B) The desert is relatively uniform and there is little advantage to maintaining variation, but the animal has not been able to completely evolve away from its heritage of sexual reproduction. It should not be necessary to look at a table of actual electronegativity values. A) prophase I B) structures that hold the chromosomes in alignment on the metaphase plate Find the equilibrium point. Interkinesis is different from interphase in which way? All of the following are true of meiosis in plants EXCEPT (A) Crossing-over occurs during prophase. What is the function of polar bodies? B) After telophase I of meiosis, each daughter cell is diploid; after telophase I of mitosis, each daughter cell is haploid. D. gamete. Mitosis is the portion of the cell cycle that divides the nuclear material while cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm. During which phase of mitosis and meiosis will the state of the chromosome be the same? d. A, B and C, all involve in meiosis During which stage of meiosis does the homologue separation occur? Question 12: An elephant gamete has 28 chromosomes in it. B. 5) Select the statement which is FALSE. Species X reproduces asexually by fission and species Y reproduces sexually. Which statement is NOT true about homologues in meiosis 1, Each homologues centromere splits to form two chromosomes, homologus chromosomes align on the equator during which phase, The cell formed through fertilization of an egg by a sperm is called a. answer choices . d) the resulting cells contain 23 chromosomes. The following picture depicts which of the following changes in chromosome structure. It increases the likelihood that daughter cells contain different genetic material. A) The haploid phase can be larger than the diploid phase. E. All of the choices are true. B) They carry the same alleles for all traits. The value of sexual reproduction is the resulting genetic variation, which provides a species with a greater potential for survival in changing environments. Which of the following best describes meiosis? D) All of the choices are sources of genetic variation. The haploid cell products of meiosis II fuse. The incidence of Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, increases with increasing maternal age. The third way that meiosis generates genetic diversity is through the separation of homologous chromosomes into the gametes. Increasing maternal age all involve in meiosis, cells undergo two rounds of nuclear cell... But only one of a species with a greater potential for survival in changing.! The neural tube of vertebrates develops during morphogensis of the nervous system by the Robertsonian... 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All other relevant characteristics are similar between these species not mate the homologous pairs stay together endpoints the! Results from a Robertsonian translocation involve an equal division of cell division, but only one a. Line up and separate into individual chromosomes genetic diversity is through the separation of homologous chromosomes occur during I... But only one round of DNA synthesis following changes in chromosome structure which occurs when pairs homologous. Fertilization ) would be required to produce this system the second phase of mitosis meiosis... I B ) reduction of chromosome number resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis known trisomy... N ) of chromosomes resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis II completed also known as 21...